Jehovah Witness Literature #BK-0229

Jehovah Witness Literature

Item #: BK-0229

UPC/ISBN: 0801077680


David A. Reed. An up-to-date review of more than 100 years of writings. Arranged chronologically, the book is divied into four main eras: The Russell era form 1879-1916, the Rutherford era from 1917-1942, the Knorr era from 1942-1977, and the Franz era from 1977-1992. Reed discusses the books, periodicals, booklets, tracts, and pamphlets that were published during each period, and he pinpoints the place of each significant piece of literature in the historical development of the sect and its theology. This practical reference book, which notes changes in the society's beliefs and practices, will help equip Christians to speak confidently to Jehovah's Witnesses.

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